Data Model

1. Introduction

Since the OGC IoT RESTful API is based on REST principles, it's very easy to write and test applications. You can use your browser to access URLs, and you can use pretty much any HTTP client in any programming language to interact with the API.

In order to provide a unified access to IoT devices' data and tasking capabilities, the OGC IoT RESTful APi defines an IoT data model. The core of the IoT data model is a Thing [1]. Every Thing can have zero to many locations in space and time. each Thing can have zero to many Datastreams, and Datastream forms the core of the Sensing Profile. The IoT data model consists of two parts: (1) the Sensing Profile and (2) the Tasking Profile. The Sensing Profile allowing IoT devices and applications to CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE (i.e., HTTP POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE) IoT data from sensors. The Tasking Profile allowing applications to control IoT devices.


In the Sensing Profile, a Thing has a Location in space and time. A Thing also can have multiple Datastreams. A Datastreams is a collection of Observations. An Observation is an event performed by a Sensor at a location and a time that produces a result whose value is an estimate of an Observed Property of the Feature of Interest


In the Tasking Profile, a Thing can have multiple Tasking Capabilities as executable function, which is executed by an Actuator. Users can create task entities in the service to execute Tasks.

The following figure shows the OGC IoT RESTful data model. The properties of entity type and each entity's direct relation to the other entity types are described after the figure.

IoTRESTful API Data Model
Figure 1. The OGC IoT RESTful API Data Model

2. Sensing Profile

The sensing profile includes thing, location, datastream, sensor, observedProperty, observation, and feature of interest entity types. In this section, we explain the properties in each entity type and the direct relation to the other entity types. In addition, for each entity type, we show an example of its JSON encoding.

Each entity has some common properties including a unique identifier, a self link showing the URL of the entity, and one-to-many navigation links representing the relation with the other entities.

Common Properties:

Name Definition Data type Multiplicity and use
ID ID is the system-generated identifier of an entity. ID is unique among the entities of the same entity type. Any One (mandatory)
Self-Link Self-Link is the absolute URL of an entity which is unique among all other entities. URL One (mandatory)
Navigation-Link Navigation-Link is the relative URL showing the relationship with the entities in other entity types. URL Zero-to-many

2.1 Thing

Definition: We use the ITU-T definition, i.e., with regard to the Internet of Things, a thing is an object of the physical world (physical things) or the information world (virtual things) which is capable of being identified and integrated into communication networks. (ITU-T Y.2060)


Name Definition Data type Multiplicity and use
Description This is the description of the thing entity. The content is open to accommodate changes to SensorML and to support other description languages. Character String One (mandatory)

Direct relation with other entity types:

Entity type Relation Description
Location Many mandatory to many optional A thing can locate at different geographical positions at different time points (multiple locations). Multiple things can locate at the same location at the same time. A thing may not have a location.
Datastream One mandatory to many optional A thing can have zero-to-many datastreams. A datastream entity can only link to a thing as a collection of observations or properties.
TaskingCapability One mandatory to many optional A thing can have zero-to-many taskingcapabilities. A taskingcapability entity can only link to a thing as a function of the thing.


						"Description": "thing_1",
						"Self-Link": "",
							"Navigation-Link": "Things(1)/Locations"
						"ID": 1,
							"Navigation-Link": "Things(1)/Datastreams"
							"Navigation-Link": "Things(1)/TaskingCapabilities"

2.2 Location

Definition: A location is an absolute geographical position at a specific time point.


Name Definition Data type Multiplicity and use
Time The time point/period of the location. ISO8601 time point/period string One (mandatory)
Geometry The absolute geographical position of the location. This is generally the GeoJSON geometry object. GeoJSON geometry object One (mandatory)

Direct relation with other entity types:

Entity type Relation Description
Thing Many optional to many mandatory A thing can locate at different geographical positions at different time points (multiple locations). Multiple things can locate at the same location at the same time. A thing may not have a location.


							"Navigation-Link": "Locations(1)/Things"
						"Time": "2012-11-17T06:33:19-0700",
						"Self-Link": "",
						"ID": 1,
							"type": "POINT",

2.3 Datastream

Definition: A datastream serves as a collection of observations or properties of a thing. The observations of a datastream are performed by at most one sensor measuring one observed property (i.e., one phenomenon).


Name Definition Data type Multiplicity and use
Description This is the description of the datastream entity. The content is open to support other description languages. Character String One (mandatory)

Direct relation with other entity types:

Entity type Relation Description
Thing Many optional to one mandatory A thing can have zero-to-many datastreams. A datastream entity can only link to a thing as a collection of observations or properties.
Sensor One mandatory to one optional The observations of a datastream are performed by the same sensor. In some scenarios that sensors are hard to be identified (e.g., observations represent a property of a thing), this data model allows data providers to omit the sensors.
ObservedProperty Many mandatory to one mandatory The observations of a datastream observe the same observedProperty. The observations of different datastreams could observe the same observedProperty.
Observation One mandatory to many optional A datastream can have zero-to-many observations. One observation must occur in one and only one datastream.


							"Navigation-Link": "Datastreams(1)/Thing"
						"Description": "datastream_1",
						"Self-Link": "",
							"Navigation-Link": "Datastreams(1)/Sensor"
							"Navigation-Link": "Datastreams(1)/ObservedProperty"
						"ID": 1,
							"Navigation-Link": "Datastreams(1)/Observations"

2.4 Sensor

Definition: A sensor is an instrument that can observe a property or phenomenon with the goal of producing an estimate of the value of the property. In some cases, the sensor in this data model can also be seen as the procedure (method, algorithm, or instrument) defined in OGC 07-022r1.


Name Definition Data type Multiplicity and use
Metadata The detailed description of the sensor or system. The content is open to accommodate changes to SensorML or to support other description languages. Character String One (mandatory)

Direct relation with other entity types:

Entity type Relation Description
Datastream One optional to one The observations of a datastream are performed by the same sensor. In some scenarios that sensors are hard to be identified (e.g., observations represent a property of a thing), this data model allows data providers to omit the sensors.


						"Self-Link": "",
							"Navigation-Link": "Sensors(1)/Datastream"
						"ID": 1,
						"Metadata": "sensor_1"

2.5 ObservedProperty

Definition: An observedProperty specifies the phenomenon of an observation.


Name Definition Data type Multiplicity and use
URN The URN of the observedProperty/phenomenon. URN One (mandatory)
UnitOfMeasurement The unit of measurement for the observations measuring this observedProperty. Character String One (mandatory)

Direct relation with other entity types:

Entity type Relation Description
Datastream One mandatory to many mandatory The observations of a datastream observe the same observedProperty. The observations of different datastreams could observe the same observedProperty.


						"UnitOfMeasurement": "m/s",
						"Self-Link": "",
						"ID": 1,
							"Navigation-Link": "ObservedProperties(1)/Datastreams"
						"URN": "urn:ogc:def:phenomenon:OGC:1.0.30:windspeed"

2.6 Observation

Definition: An act of observing a property or phenomenon on a feature of interest, with the goal of producing an estimate of the value of the property. A specialized event whose result is a data value. [OGC 07-022r1]


Name Definition Data type Multiplicity and use
Time The time point/period of when the observation happens. ISO8601 time point/period string One (mandatory)
ResultType The data type of the ResultValue. O&M Result Type One (mandatory)
ResultValue The estimated value of an observedProperty from the observation. Any (depends on the ResultType) One (mandatory)

Direct relation with other entity types:

Entity type Relation Description
Datastream Many optional to one mandatory A datastream can have zero-to-many observations. One observation must occur in one and only one datastream.
FeatureOfInterest Many mandatory to one mandatory An observation observes on one and only one feature of interest. One feature of interest could be observed by one-to-many observations.


						"ResultValue": "69.37143083209186",
						"Time": "2012-10-05T07:35:13-0600",
						"Self-Link": "",
							"Navigation-Link": "Observations(1)/FeatureOfInterest"
							"Navigation-Link": "Observations(1)/Datastream"
						"ID": 1,
						"ResultType": "Measure"

2.7 FeatureOfInterest

Definition: Features or feature collections that represent the identifiable object(s) on which the sensor systems are making observations. In the case of an in-situ sensor or observations being attributes of the thing, the feature of interest could be the thing itself. For remote sensors, this may be the geographical area or volume that is being sensed.


Name Definition Data type Multiplicity and use
Description This is the description of the feature of interest entity. The content is open to accommodate changes to SensorML and to support other description languages. In the case of the thing itself being the feature of interest, this description property is inherited from the thing entity. Character String One (mandatory)
Geometry The absolute geographical position of the feature of interest. This is generally the GeoJSON geometry object. In the case of the thing itself being the feature of interest, this geometry property is inherited from the thing entity by interpolating the geometries in the location entities. GeoJSON geometry object One (mandatory)

Direct relation with other entity types:

Entity type Relation Description
Observation One mandatory to many mandatory An observation observes on one and only one feature of interest. One feature of interest could be observed by one-to-many observations.


						"Description": "FOI_1",
						"Self-Link": "",
						"ID": 1,
							"Navigation-Link": "FeaturesOfInterest(1)/Observations"
							"type": "POLYGON",
							"coordinates": [
							[ 100, 0 ],
							[ 101, 0 ],
							[ 101, 1 ],
							[ 100, 1 ],
							[ 100, 0 ]
							[ 100.2, 0.2 ],
							[ 100.8, 0.2 ],
							[ 100.8, 0.8 ],
							[ 100.2, 0.8 ],
							[ 100.2, 0.2 ]

3. Tasking Profile

The IoT RESTful taskingCapability profile is mainly for users to control actuators through a unified web service interface. There are two major parts in the taskingCapability profile. The first part is to convey the acceptable parameters of an actuator and allow users to submit controlling tasks through a RESTful interface. The second part of the taskingCapability profile is to allow IoT RESTful services to communicate with actuators that are attached to things.

3.1 TaskingCapability

Definition: A taskingCapability serves as an executable function of a thing. A taskingCapability could be enabled by an actuator.


Name Definition Data type Multiplicity and use
Parameter A taskingCapability may have zero-to-many acceptable parameters. Users can understand the acceptable input of the taskingCapability. An acceptable parameter contains a ParameterID, Description, Use, and Definition (which has UnitOfMeasurement, InputType, and AllowedValues). Parameter Zero-to-many
Protocol The protocol is not visible to users but needs to be registered into service when creating the taskingCapability. The protocol describes the communication protocol of sending tasks to the taskingCapability. The protocol generally is a HTTP Protocol, which contains a HTTP Method, AbsoluteResourcePath, QueryString, Fragment, MessageBody, and Headers (key-value pairs). HTTP Protocol One (mandatory)

Direct relation with other entity types:

Entity type Relation Description
Thing Many optional to one mandatory A thing can have zero-to-many taskingCapabilities. A taskingCapability entity can only link to a thing as a function of that thing.
Actuator One mandatory to one optional The tasks of a taskingCapability are performed by the same actuator. In some scenarios that actuators are hard to be identified (e.g., changing a status of a thing), this data model allows data providers to omit the actuators.
Task One mandatory to many optional A taskingCapability can have zero-to-many tasks. A task must link to one and only one taskingCapability.


								"Navigation-Link": "TaskingCapabilities(1)/Thing"
							"Parameters": [
								"ParameterID": "parameter_1",
								"Description": "This is the description1.",
								"Use": "optional",
									"UnitOfMeasurement": "uom_2",
									"AllowedValues": [
										"Value": 1.2
										"Value": 10.5
										"Max": 32.4,
										"Min": -145.7
									"InputType": "Double"
								"ParameterID": "parameter_2",
								"Description": "This is the description2.",
								"Use": "mandatory",
									"UnitOfMeasurement": "uom_1",
									"AllowedValues": [
										"Value": 1
										"Value": 10
									"InputType": "Integer"
								"Navigation-Link": "TaskingCapabilities(1)/Actuators"
							"Self-Link": "",
							"ID": 1,
								"Navigation-Link": "TaskingCapabilities(1)/Tasks"

3.2 Actuator

Definition: An actuator is an instrument that can execute a task.


Name Definition Data type Multiplicity and use
Metadata The detailed description of the actuator. The content is open to accommodate changes to SensorML or to support other description languages. Character String One (mandatory)

Direct relation with other entity types:

Entity type Relation Description
TaskingCapability One optional to one The tasks of a taskingCapability are executed by the same actuator. In some scenarios that actuators are hard to be identified (e.g., changing a status of a thing), this data model allows data providers to omit the actuators.


							"Self-Link": "",
								"Navigation-Link": "Actuators(1)/TaskingCapability"
							"ID": 1,
							"Metadata": "actuator_1"

3.3 Task

Definition: A task is a user-submitted request for executing a taskingCapability. A user can specify input values of a task based on the parameters description of a taskingCapability. A user can also specify the time that he/she wants the task to be sent to the thing.


Name Definition Data type Multiplicity and use
Time The time point of when the task to be sent to the thing. ISO8601 time point string One (mandatory)
Input A task may contain zero-to-many inputs for the taskingCapability. An input has a ParameterID (which must match the ParameterID in a parameter of the taskingCapability) and an input value for that ParameterID. Input Zero-to-many
Status The status property of a task is a service-controlled property and cannot be updated by users. IoT RESTful service updates the status based on responses from the thing. Character String One (mandatory)

Direct relation with other entity types:

Entity type Relation Description
TaskingCapability Many optional to one mandatory A taskingCapability can have zero-to-many tasks. A task must link to one and only one taskingCapability.


							"Status": "done",
							"Time": "2012-12-27T20:28:07-0700",
							"Self-Link": "",
								"Navigation-Link": "Tasks(1)/TaskingCapability"
							"ID": 1,
							"Inputs": [
								"ParameterID": "parameterID_1",
								"Value": 1
								"ParameterID": "parameterID_2",
								"Value": 1.2
								"ParameterID": "parameterID_3",
								"Value": "on"

4. $capabilities

Similar to some other OGC web service (OWS), the IoT RESTful API has a capabilities document describing the metadata of the service. The OGC IoT RESTful capabilities document is a JSON encoded document. The service should use the capabilities document to advertise the supported functions and any constraints on using these functions. The service may also include the capabilities document to showcase the spatio-temporal coverage of the content. Finally, if the service provides any custom operations, the explanation of those operations should be included in the capabilities document as well.

Capabilities Response
Figure 2. Capabilities Response

Some portions of the capabilities document are already defined in the OWS Common specification, including the version, ServiceIdentification, and ServiceProvider. Also, the boundedBy and TimePeriod are from the OGC GML specification. The following subsections explain the elements that are specific for the IoT RESTful service; namely the FunctionsMetadata and the CustomOperations.

4.1 FunctionsMetadata

The FunctionsMetadata is used to indicate the supported functions and any possible constraints. In short, the service providers can specify the Service-Level-Agreement (SLA) in the FunctionsMetadata. The functions can be the CRUD and query options; and the constraints can be allowed operators for a function or the service-driven pagination. The FunctionsMetadata section should only contain the functions supported by the service.

FunctionsMetadata Element
Figure 3. FunctionsMetadata Element

In order to unify the Functions and provide examples, any Functions included in the capabilities document must be from the following table, in which the function names are explained in the API reference. On the other hand, for the Constraints, as service providers are allowed to create their own constraints, the following table still lists some defined ConstraintNames to unify the syntax.

FunctionName ConstraintNames
Create -
Read Pagination
Update -
Delete -
$orderby -
$top -
$skip -
$filter Logical operators, Arithmetic operators, Grouping operators, String functions,
Date functions, Math functions, Type functions, Geospatial functions
$expand -
$select -
$count -
BatchProcessing -

4.2 CustomOperations

If the service provides any customized operations, the explanation of those operations should be included in the CustomOperations section. The CustomOperations section lists all the customized operations supported by the service and introduces the protocol of these operations. In the Operation element, the service needs to include the OperationName, HTTPMethod, ReturnType, and any acceptable Parameters.

With the information in the Operation element, users can first compose a request URI by appending the OperationName to the service root URI. Then, if the HTTPMethod is HTTP GET, the ParameterNames and input values should be specified as key-value pairs in the query string after the question symbol “?”. Otherwise, the ParameterNames and input values should be put in the message body of the request.

Operation Element
Figure 4. Operation Element